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    高雄市Kaohsiung /臺灣Taiwan



    Language skills

    讓我帶您領略華語文字之美吧!I can teach you better,歡迎成為我的學生。 Let me show you the beauty of Chinese characters! I can teach you better. Welcome to be my student.
各位欲修習華語的同學們大家好,敝人是剛畢業於TCSOL(Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages)國際華語師資認證之培訓課程,結訓完畢後即將於Chinese Tutor Land上線任教的新手老師“張恩滋”,主要教授科目為“國際華語”,除華語之外,敝人亦會閩南語、基礎客語等本土語言、第二外語方面包括基礎英文、基礎日文、基礎韓文等,其他外語體系亦可因應學生的母語體系予以適度調整。敝人雖是新手老師,但因敝人現目前亦鑽研社會工作科目之緣故,故懂得傾聽學生的意見與想法,並著重學生的問題加以改善,歡迎成為我的學生,讓我帶你領略華語之美吧!
Hello, all students who want to learn Chinese. I have just graduated from the TCSOL (Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) international Chinese teacher certification training course. After completing the training, I will be a novice teacher who will teach online in Chinese Tutor Land." "Zhang Enzi", the main subject taught is "International Chinese". In addition to Chinese, I also know local languages ​​such as Hokkien and basic Hakka. The second foreign language includes basic English, basic Japanese, basic Korean, etc. Other foreign language systems are also available. Appropriate adjustments should be made according to the students' native language system. Although I am a novice teacher, because I am currently studying social work subjects, I know how to listen to students’ opinions and ideas, and focus on students’ problems to improve them. Welcome to be my student, and let me show you the beauty of the Chinese language. !
TCSOL(Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages)國際華語師資認證
TCSOL (Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) international Chinese teacher certification.
Educational Background
課程方式我會採用自製的PowerPoint 教材來教授外籍學生,運用“圖示”與“實例”做為輔助教學,搭配“中文繞口令”帶出華語的基礎數字唸法與華語基礎語法,期望用由簡入深的教材、達到更好的教學品質、以及更有效率的學習方法,協助外籍學生把華語學得更好、更棒,讓我帶您領略華語文字之美吧!歡迎成為我的學生。
I will use self-made PowerPoint teaching materials to teach foreign students, using "diagrams" and "examples" as auxiliary teaching, and "Chinese tongue twisters" to teach basic Chinese number pronunciation and basic Chinese grammar. I hope to use simplified methods to teach foreign students. In-depth teaching materials, better teaching quality, and more efficient learning methods will help foreign students learn Chinese better and better. Let me show you the beauty of Chinese characters! Welcome to be my student.
Teaching Experience
來到敝人的華語課程,我會運用“由簡入深”的課程模式,引導外籍學生勇敢開口說華語,以及如何靈活運用華語片語與對話於日常生活中,讓外籍學生在有限的時間裡把華語學會、學好,學得更紮實、更完善。雖敝人現目前是新手老師,但請外籍學生相信我可以教會你華語、並且教好教滿, I can teach you better,歡迎成為我的學生。
When it comes to our Chinese courses, I will use the "from simple to profound" course model to guide foreign students to speak Chinese bravely, and how to flexibly use Chinese phrases and conversations in daily life, so that foreign students can learn Chinese in a limited time. Learn Chinese, learn it well, and learn it more solidly and perfectly. Although I am currently a novice teacher, foreign students please believe that I can teach you Chinese and teach you well. I can teach you better. Welcome to be my student.


2024-11-03 - 2024-11-09
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Asia/Taipei time
  • 2024-11-03
  • 2024-11-04
  • 2024-11-05
  • 2024-11-06
  • 2024-11-07
  • 2024-11-08
  • 2024-11-09


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